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Reptarium Ethics

BREEDING• Female ball pythons are not bred until they are 3 years old, and weigh at least 1500g. â€¢ Female corn snakes are not bred until they are 3 years old and weigh 300g• Female Honduran milk snakes - 3 years and 500g• Blood Pythons- 3-4 years and 10lb• Every female, regardless of species, is given one season off after laying eggs. â€¢ We only pair our males if they have been eating regularly. If they refuse two meals in a row, they are given a break until they begin eating regularly again. 
INCUBATION• we incubate eggs using an incubator, and do not do maternal incubation. We want our females to be healthy and bounce back quickly after laying eggs. 
HOUSING â€¢ All of our snakes are housed in racks and tubs. However, we provide appropriate substrate, hides and enrichment. We don't support bare-bones tubs and change up the enrichment in each snake's enclosure every couple of weeks to give them new things to explore. 
 FEEDING• We feed our snakes in a manner that promotes healthy growth. â€¢ We do not "maintenance feed." We'd rather spend the extra time and money on our baby snakes to make sure that they're healthy and thriving, than to take the lazy and cheap way out and only feed them enough to meet their base metabolic needs. In our opinion, maintenance feeding is unethical. 
TESTINGʉۢ We screen our reptarium once a year for Nidovirus and Arenavirus. We test a different individual each year to ensure that our snakes are safe.
QUARANTINE• All new reptiles are quarantined away from the rest of the collection for a minimum of 60 days. 
 SHIPPING• We do not ship during the months of January to March, or during the peak of summer. We only ship when temperatures are between 38-95*F.• All reptiles must be shipped to a FedEx shipping center. We do not ship to homes or businesses. 

Reptarium Ethics: About
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